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One Day Chess Coaching Camp by GM Shyam Sundar

The Queenstar International Chess Coaching Academy recently organized a one-day chess coaching camp with Grandmaster Shyam Sundar for aspiring chess players. The camp was held in conjunction with the Queenstar Open 2023 Chess Tournament and was aimed at providing participants with valuable insights and training to enhance their skills and improve their game.

Grandmaster Shyam Sundar, one of India’s leading chess players, conducted the camp and shared his wealth of experience and knowledge with the participants. The camp covered various aspects of the game, including opening strategies, tactical maneuvers, and endgame techniques. Participants also had the opportunity to play against each other and receive feedback from the Grandmaster on their gameplay.

The one-day coaching camp was a huge success, with participants expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business. The Queenstar International Chess Coaching Academy is committed to providing top-notch training and coaching to aspiring chess players, and this camp is just one example of their dedication to the game. Stay tuned for more updates on the Queenstar Open 2023 Chess Tournament and other exciting events from the Queenstar International Chess Coaching Academy.

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